Forums for General Discussion
  Change low level refine requirements On-du Sham :)
  Chaqy 11/22/2016 3:59:39 AM 1650

Old player here, from back when On-du Sham armor could only be refined to +5. So, I like to refine and have some fun, but the changes to L20 / L40 / L60 gear making it to +12 is quite..... overburdened.

I mean, for +3 you need a Seed of Yen (ohra) = 5mil (?) or a Feather (Mir). I don't see other classes have this steep requirements on low level gear and it's quite sad. Especially when On-Du Sham gets fewer armor set on lower levels anyway.

My suggestion would be to make the refine costs scale better on lower gear, instead of going like:
+1, some feather+0
+2, some feather+0
+3, feather (mir)

+1, some feather+0
+2, some feather+0
+3, some feather+1
+4, some feather+1
+5, some feather+2
+6, some feather+2
+7 and higher, feather(mir)?


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