Notice List.
 Rumor Mill vs Truth :D
 2/6/2015 4:58:35 PM 30867
Ok, let's put some of those rumors that have been flying around to rest...
NO we're not resetting the servers
NO we're not closing down
YES Dave is working his tush off narrowing down the error.
YES All the DEVs/GMs are watching the servers as much as we can, and rebooting them asap when they go down
YES you might lose clicks on a skill, there's not much we can do about that... yet
NO we can't give you clicks back, because quite frankly, there is no way to verify the clicks, so some might say they lost 1m clicks on a skill.
YES we will have events to help make up for the down time
This is just as hard and stressful on us, believe me we don't want this to be happening. We're not abandoning you or the game!!!
Previous : Bonus EXP/Skill/Drop Hours Due to Downtime 1/30/2015
Next : Servers STABLE!!! 2/9/2015 4

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