Forums for General Discussion
  L3vI 12/4/2016 9:50:37 PM 1890
so i started a new character a gm asks how am i working out... all i said was saaa duuuu you know like whats up dude and i got kicked and can't log back in... what happened? is it because i speak English lol
It was because of the use of hacks and cheats.
(12/5/2016 5:09:40 PM)
L3vI i did. to make sure the game was fixed and it is. i'm very glad they fixed what killed it back in the day. if you see what i have tried and for how long you would see i gave up and was happy to play legit knowing the game was not going to be the way it was YEARS ago.but either way i hope you all enjoy!! gratz on the servers up and the fixes!
(12/5/2016 5:27:47 PM)
I watched you from the moment you logged in(about 5 minutes before you got your cheap apps working, then they were running the entire ten minutes you were playing. No loss here. If you would like to play legitimately, I will unban your IP, otherwise, have a nice day.
(12/20/2016 10:12:27 PM)

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