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  New Age Lvl Guide | From NOTHING 2 Gr8ness!|
  Rebirth 3/10/2021 10:34:56 PM 1782
Hey... IGN- Rebirth here. Putting up a guide to make the grind cost effective.
This is how best I've found to level cheaply and quickly.
Follow me through my journey.....

PRO TIP: First thing first. Know how you want to stat your character. I say this because this tip will give you 5 extra points to use in the six categories (Str, Stam, Intel, Dex, Sense, Ki) @ lvl 0. Create a new charecter. Log out of the account (go exit the client and reload) with the new char inside of rian village or yerden village. Log back into the account. Open the char window and you start with 5 extra points.

EXTrAAA PRO TIP: Once you use "reset points" you will lose these additional points forever. Plan accordingly.

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