Forums for General Discussion
  Dungeon and skills
  WillX 3/6/2018 9:59:44 PM 4308
#Creation of dungeons in different maps (solo and group dungeon)
-This dungeons could drop some special item at the end. Could be a special ring, special weapon in case of a high-level dungeon (Weapon that could replace a creation of a dot5), Armors with some special effect (increase critical, damage, HP).
-The entrance can ask a Entrance Card (a drop)
-Could add a ranking for each dungeon just for fun

#Creation of Auction house. It could be in Chapsit.

#Creation of buffs (single or buff group)
Rian - a buff that increase group attack temporarily (Could have a long refresh)
Rian - a buff that increases its critical temporarily (Could have a long refresh)
Kanhoa - a buff that increase its attack
Kanhoa - a buff that recover group HP gradually (Could have a long refresh)

#Creation of a greater AOE skill for rian.
Dioscuri Auction house is needed
(3/27/2018 5:08:42 AM)
STEP Auction House is Needed, But Will never be implemented, they're happy with the money their making without having to improve game
(7/3/2018 11:44:26 PM)

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