Misbehaviors |
This is the place where you report ID Misbehaviors
Submit Misbehaviors |
If any problem happens you
must let us know within 3 days and include an explanation for the
proper screen shot. |
We investigate your report using screen
shot and game log etc and we will take action when there
is evidence of misbehaviour. |
Our answer will be sent out to misbehavers
and also to you. |
If you disagree with any decision we make
or have any questions you can contact us by 'ask a GM'
section. |
: |
1) You must not modify your screenshot,
if you do then you will be the one who will get
punishment. |
2) Abuse of reporting may close your account. |
Spreading Rumors |
Spread rumors
about the game or the company / 3-days Ban /15-days Ban
/ Permanent Ban |
Impersonating the GM/
-- --
General Fraud |
Impersonating the GM
Causing harms on others with fraud / 15-days Ban /
Permanent Ban |
Misbehaviors |
Launching personal attacks, swearing in
general (Inappropriate contents) /3-days Ban /15-days Ban
/ Permanent Ban |
For other subjects, please check for our ThangUSA
"Restriction of illegal user" section.
00:00 ~ 09:00(GMT) Monday ~ Friday |