Event Details
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AUCTIONS!! We're doing many different kinds of auctions this week. Some are forum auctions where you can see if someone outbids you, some are 'blind' auctions that you will need to put in a ticket with your bid and will not be able to see if someone outbids you.
For auctions go to www.thangusa.com, go to "Community" then "Item Trade", look for the auction you want to bid on and reply to the post to bid.
Those of you that have not participated in auctions before, here are the rules for auctions:
1. You MUST have the funds you bid on the avatar you bid from. ie: Denatir bids 500 Lune for an item but only has 200 lune on his account, that bid will be deleted. The same goes for dien.
2. You are allowed to bid as many times as you want, provided you follow rule #1
3. Blind auctions:
Put a ticket in with the highest bid you are willing to make.
We don't tell people what the current highest bid is, that's why it's called a 'blind auction'.
Dien and/or Lune will be taken off the winner's accounts only. If you do not win, you do not lose funds.
Auction Items will be announced/posted soon, so get ready.
Previous : Mini exp event 3/19-3/20
Next : Auctions are now LIVE

Time :
Date :
00:00 ~ 09:00(GMT)
Monday ~ Friday
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